What Are the Continuing Education Requirements for Real Estate Licensees in Nj

We make it easy and painless to complete your required Continuing Education (CE) classes so you can maintain your real estate license.

Due to the pandemic, all of our NJ Continuing Education classes will be offered via live, instructor-led webinar. Students will need an internet connection and device (laptop, desktop or tablet) to participate. Subject matter experts will teach custom, exclusive courses on current hot topics.

Our 1-day course package completely fulfills the mandatory CE requirement for NJ for the current license cycle.

Don't fall for an imitation! Experience The Real Estate School difference first hand and see why 99% of attendees would recommend our course to a friend.

CE Course Package includes:

Bridging the Gap Between Real Estate Appraisers and Real Estate Agents
C20202245/ 3 NJ Elective Credits

Fair Housing Advertising Rules
C20202573/2 NJ Core Credits

Top 10 Ways to Lose Your Real Estate License
C20161533/2 NJ Core Credits

Understanding the Code of Ethics
C20201835/3 NJ Ethics Credits

The Biggest Legal Risks for Agents
C20201833/2 NJ Core Credits

Total credits fulfilled:

  • All 12 NJ CE Credits including 3 NJ Ethics Credits, 6 NJ Core Credits, 3 NJ Elective Credits

Realtor® Board-Approved

Our Code of Ethics Course is also approved by ACCBOR, BCCAR, CCBOR, GSCBOR, EBCBOR, HSAOR, Liberty BOR, MCAOR, MetroCenter AOR, NCJAOR, RealSource, SCAOR, WEBOR.

2021 CE Event Dates & Locations

Virtual CE Event: February 11, 2021, ONLINE ONLY! Live Webinar

Join us online to enjoy our Subject Matter Experts presenting via live video, taking your questions in real time, sharing the same great materials we do in live classes, like slides, diagrams and web tours. All you need is a high speed internet connection and a computer or tablet (no phones, please!). There is NO download required, simply click on a link in the email we send you to join the live webinar. If you have ever participated in a web conference, you will have no trouble with our seamless platform for remote learning!

To know more about the ongoing classes, view the map below:

CE Credit Requirements & Deadlines

PA CE Deadline: May 31st, 2020

NJ CE Deadline: June 30, 2021

NJ Licensees: Per the NJ REC, all active NJ licensees (not Referral Agents) must complete 12 CE credits during every 2 year cycle (current cycle 7/1/19 – 6/30/21). Of the 12 required credits, at least 2 credits must be in Ethics, at least 4 additional credits in Core topics, and the remaining 6 credits may be in Elective topics. Our course package completely fulfills these requirements.

New Licensees initially licensed after 7/1/20 will not have to complete CE credits for the 6/30/21 renewal.

Referral Licensees do not need to complete CE in order to renew their license as a Referral Agent.

Referral & Inactive Licensees wishing to activate as a salesperson: Requirements for Referral & Inactive Licensees depend on the length of time you have been in referral or inactive. You must contact the NJ REC directly at 609-292-7272 with any further questions on reinstatement of referral licensing. Click on the links below for additional information.

Requirements for Referral Licensees

Requirements for Inactive Licensees

PA Licensees: Per the PA REC all active PA licensees must complete 14 CE credits during every 2 year cycle (current cycle 6/1/18 – 5/31/20). PA REC only allows 7 credits to be awarded in one day. Thus, this course package will give you 7 PA CE credits. For the 2018-2020 cycle, licensees must take 1.5 hours in Property Management and 2 hours in Advertising. Click here for more information.

New PA Licensees who are taking mandatory CE for the first time, this course package will not count toward your requirement. You must take a specific CE course module for your first license renewal.

Information on First Renewals for PA Licensees.

Realtor® Board Members:If, and only if, you are a member of a Realtor Board, you are required to complete a 2.5 hour Code of Ethics class in addition to the NJ REC continuing education requirement. Depending on the Realtor Board you belong to, our course, "Understanding the Code of Ethics" may or may not meet this requirement. Check with your local board to confirm.

If you currently hold an active PA Sales License click here to learn about our 15 Hour Supplemental Course which qualifies PA Agents to sit for the NJ State Exam.

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Source: https://www.realestatelicensenow.com/continuing-education-nj-pa/

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